How to keep Houseplants Alive

For many, houseplants are a mainstay of interior design. They can also be a tricky craft to keep alive. In this blog post by Gardening Scan, find out How to Keep Plants Alive and well!

Are you in the market for a new houseplant? Have you yet to find one that fits your home design and budget? This blog post from Gardening Scan may help you find one that all of your friends will envy.

10 Tips on How to Keep Plants Alive

It can be difficult to keep houseplants alive, but with a bit of preparation and some easy tips, you can make sure that your plants are happy and healthy.

  1. Water your plants regularly. Make sure to water them thoroughly and evenly, and allow them to dry completely before watering again.
  2. Keep your plant in a cool, dry place. When it is cold outside, the plants will need more water to stay hydrated.
  3. Do not over-fertilize your plants. Over-fertilizing can actually kill your plants. Use a houseplant fertilizer that is specifically designed for plants instead of using general household fertilizer.
  4. Do not use harsh chemicals on your plants. Many harsh cleaners can damage the leaves of your plants and kill them off altogether. Instead, try using milder cleaners or simply wiping down surfaces with a cloth instead of using a spray cleaner.
  5. Avoid overwatering your houseplants. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which will kill the plant outright. Check the level of water in the pot regularly and add more if necessary rather than allowing the pot to fill up completely.
  6. Clean up spills promptly. If there is a spill on your floor, carpet, or furniture, clean it up immediately. Otherwise, the plant could become infested with mold or fungus that could ruin its health.
  7. Pick off dead leaves. Dead leaves on the plant can lead to a shortage of nutrients and will also make the surface of your plants more susceptible to fungus and mildew buildup.
  8. Clean up pet messes as soon as possible. If there is a pet in your house, it will drop hair or fur everywhere you look. Even if you don’t have pets, you will still deal with pet messes from other members of your family. Remove these messes as soon as possible so that your plants don’t become infested with mold or mildew.
  9. Remove dead flowers or shoots as soon as possible. If a branch of a plant is dead and falling off, cut it off immediately to save the rest of the plant from dying or being damaged completely.
  10. Cut back old branches when they are no longer blooming. This is especially important when pruning flowering or fruiting plants like tomatoes, strawberries, or raspberries. Unfortunately, old wood often becomes infested with insects and fungus that can harm your plant.

Planting a Houseplant

Keeping houseplants alive is a lot easier than you might think. There are a few easy tips that will help you keep them healthy and happy.

First, plant a houseplant in an area with plenty of light. This will help the plant to grow and flourish.

Secondly, water your plants regularly. watering them twice a day is usually enough.

Finally, make sure to take care of the soil on which your houseplant grows. Over-fertilization can cause your plants to become unhealthy and die.

Identifying Problems in Plants

If you have plants in your house, it is important to keep an eye on them and identify any problems early on. This will help to ensure that your plants survive and thrive.

One way to do this is to regularly check the leaves of your plants for signs of infection or damage. If you see any sign of infection, be sure to treat it as soon as possible. Similarly, if you notice any damage to the leaves, take action right away and replace the damaged parts with fresh ones.

Another easy way to keep your plants healthy and happy is to give them the appropriate amount of sunlight and water. Make sure to water them deeply and routinely throughout the day, and make sure that they get at least six hours of sunlight each day.

Overall, keeping your plants healthy is easy if you take a few simple steps. By identifying problems early on, you can ensure that your plants survive and thrive.

Promoting Your Houseplants

  1. First and foremost, make sure that your houseplants get enough sunlight and water. This will help them to thrive and look their best.
  2. Be careful not to overwater your plants. Overwatering can cause plants to become root-bound and start to rot.
  3. Do not plant houseplants near windows or doors that open often, as drafts can cause them to dry out quickly.
  4. Do not place plants near heat registers, radiators, or other sources of warm air. These areas can cause your plants to overheat and die.
  5. Clean up any leaves or debris that falls on your plants from above, and be sure to add fresh water every day if you see any droplets on the leaves or soil.

Watering and Feeding

Keeping your houseplants alive requires a little bit of patience and some easy tips. Here are two watering and feeding tips to help keep your plants healthy:


  1. Water your plants regularly, but don’t overwater them. Overwatering can cause roots to rot and affect the plant’s overall health. Aim to water your plants until the surface of the soil is slightly damp but not soaking wet.
  2. Don’t water your plants in the evening or during a rainstorm. Wet soil will create mold growth, which can damage your plants.


  1. Feed your plants once a week in the spring and summer months. Houseplants need fertilizer to grow and thrive, so give them a dose every other week during these seasons. Follow the directions on the product you are using to make sure it is properly diluted and applied to the plant surface.

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