How To Increase Water Pressure In Your Garden Hose

Increasing the pressure of water in a garden hose allows you to get the job done more efficiently. Whether you are watering your garden or washing your car, it’s easier to use high pressure if you have access to a professional-grade hose. Hose pressure, or the amount of water in a garden hose, is an … Read more

Will Watering Dead Grass Bring it Back

Learn how to keep your grass green and your yard looking great! it’s partially a science and partially a trick. If you’re stuck for ideas, we’ve got some great tips for a healthy lawn. We’ll show you whether Will Watering Dead Grass Bring it Back or not! For example, if it rains during the planting season, they will … Read more

How to Connect Garden Hose to Outdoor Faucet

Your outdoor hose is always a must-have item if you have a pool or garden. In this blog, we’ll cover How to Connect Garden Hose to Outdoor Faucet. First, you’ll want to turn off the water valve and disconnect the hose at the faucet. Next, you need to connect your hose to the connection. This … Read more

When to Water After Fertilizing

Now that it’s summertime and the days are getting longer. You probably want to start preparing your lawn for the upcoming season. This process starts with prepping your lawn for seeding, followed by applying fertilizer. And finally watering all of this in with a hose. The article provides a few pointers on When to Water After … Read more